We make security always matter most


At Artsen Design, we take security seriously. Face it, there are numerous ways in which hackers can try to sneak into your website, prey on your customers and ultimately hurt your credibility as a business. We make sure that every website that we build is made with the most current security trends in mind, to make sure your customers are safe. Here is just a brief overview of some of the things we do to keep your site secure:

SSL Certificates

SSL certificates provide encrypted communication between the visitors of your website and the server that is housing your website. This is important because if this data is not encrypted, it can be intercepted and exploited, leaving your customer's data vulnerable to attackers. Not only does an SSL certificate provide your users with an extra layer of security, but it is also becoming important to gain a higher rank on Google and other search engines. Additionally, with browsers like google chrome, websites that do not use SSL certificates will be labeled as "insecure", which can scare away some visitors. We make sure that each of our clients are using SSL certificates and all their traffic is utilizing the HTTPS protocol.

Routine Updates

One of the most common ways that hackers are able to gain access to your website, is when your website is not regularly updated. Web security is truly a technological arms race, and new exploits are found every day; if your website is not being updated to keep in step with current security threats and vulnerabilities, then your website could be susceptible. We make sure to perform bi-weekly updates on all of our clients websites, to make sure that everything is up to date, and they are not using any known vulnerabilities.

Regular Backups

Sometimes problems happen, you could be working on your website and the pages stop working or you could be uploading a plugin and you get the dreaded white screen of death, when this happens suddenly your heart sinks and you worry that you just erased hours of work. We've seen it all at Artsen Design, which is why we make sure to do regular backups of our client's websites. Each account is backed-up daily, weekly, and monthly, to ensure that you can restore your website to a time when it was working again, without fear of losing everything.