REO Town

John Crafts SVG Animation, WordPress Design/Development

Their Challenge REO Town came to the company I work for Michigan Creative with a website that was not serving their purposes. It did not effectively display their events (which they post on facebook), nor did it list the business in the REO Town area in an engaging or informative way. Our Solution We suggested a WordPress website, using custom development to add an extra post … Read More

MiniSota Play Cafe

John Crafts Woocommerce Design/Development, WordPress Design/Development

Their Challenge MiniSota Play Cafe came to Artsen Design with just their branding when they were first starting their business. They had a rough idea of how they wanted to approach web, but were not sure how they wanted to implement memberships, or how to handle booking of private parties and events. They were doing these in person at first, but wanted to make something easier … Read More